1. Colic Calm. We really liked this product. We found great reviews and felt great knowing that it was an all natural product. The only negative feedback was that it is black (due to the vegetable charcoal) and that wasn't as bad as I thought it would. Granted, he would spit up once in a while and his bib would get black, but would come out when you pre-treated it.
2. Prevacid. This did help him, but it treated the symptoms (spitting up, etc...) and wasn't treating the root of the problem. Which is his tummy wasn't digesting his milk. Plus, it was expensive. I think we have good health insurance, but it was still costing us $50 a month for the Prevacid. Side effects (according to drugs.com) are:
nausea, stomach pain;
diarrhea; or
3. Probiotics. More to come on this one.